Exploring the Intersection of Art, Faith and the Human experience

FEST TOO Reflections

festoo1by: Dan ABH

It’s pretty easy to have a conversation about an idea in your kitchen with friends. You know, an idea about having an event for your friends put on by your friends community members to celebrate something that you all believe in and are a part of. It’s another thing to actually see this come to life, as you are no longer in the kitchen with your friends talking about it, but are actually doing it. This was the simple idea and process that started FEST TOO. To think now and realize that we were able to do this for 3 years straight, with each year better and bigger in all aspects (or however you want to measure what success looks like or feels like), just goes to show how us as humans, with driven spirit – can grow as a community. It’s hard to sum up in words; as with all things, you kind of “had to be there” to get what I am trying to explain.

I would be lying if I said that being an organizer and coordinator of Fest Too was simple or easy to pull off. I would most likely not be telling the truth if I said I hadn’t thought several times through out the past 3 years: “I don’t think I can do this”. I would be a complete liar if I said that being a volunteer community leader was “easy”.


However, the heartaches and self-doubt that I acquired during the planning of each year were just more growing moments and self development improvements for me. I will say without any hesitation whatsoever, that the overall experience organizing FEST TOO has changed my life and my view on lots of things in my life for the better. The experience of working with so many gifted and talented people with not only a strong passion, but a sense of commitment and dedication to our local arts and music community, is not only mind-blowing to me still, but also one of the most rewarding experiences that I’ve ever had.

FEST TOO 2014 was what I would say, our most successful year in all aspects. From the workshop topics and amazing instructors, to the overwhelming 160+ band submissions from all over the region and several surrounding states; from the most amazing volunteer team you will ever work with, to the hardworking coordinators that lead their role with professionalism & passion; from the hardworking and dedicated local DIY artists, photographers, & distribution owners/contributors to the representatives & bands of the DMV music community; from the amount of support and coverage we received from many local advertisements, interviews, blogs, and promotion, to the amazing interns and the 10+ benefit shows that helped raise funds to make FEST TOO happen, alongside the volunteers, we pieced together each final touch ups to launch our 3 day weekend. The line-up was the strongest that has ever played the stage of The Lab & Convergence Gallery with 44 local/regional acts showcasing so many wonderful & different genres of music, but all with the same ethic of DIY/DIT (do-it-yourself & do-it-together).


Highlights that I’ve still kept thinking about since I walked away Sunday evening after the weekend was over, as I picked up some final bags of trash and debris from the parking lot and yard, were the positive reactions, attitudes, and instances of respect that were in everyone’s spirit each day. We were all proud to see and be involved with what was happening during each moment with each event. The instances  of “awe” & happiness each night when ECHO & volunteers lit up the lanterns in the 3 trees next to the theater was definitely one for the books. The conversations that took place with “then” strangers and now “friends” was another. The 12 + people, who were not official volunteers that stayed late to help move furniture back and get The Lab back to normal and many, many more experiences that all happened so fast over those 3 days, will stay in my memory and make me smile forever every time I look back.

To conclude, whether FEST TOO will continue each year consistently or not, this event goes to show that WE can celebrate things together, lead with our ethics, vision, passion, and creativity through community, because in the end, that’s one of the most important things that we have. Oh yeah, and those “kitchen conversations” that you have with friends can change your life, and make an impact on a community for years to come. So, don’t disregard those small ideas that you have and share with friends; they may be one of the best things you do & accomplish through action & support.


Biggest Loves & Sups,


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