Exploring the Intersection of Art, Faith and the Human experience

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Advent Online Retreat Wk. 1

Week One: Preparation

by Kathy Prudden

Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him, Luke 3: 4b

Are you ready? Is your Christmas tree up? Have you bought all the gifts? Are you ready emotionally and spiritually?

There have been Christmas seasons in the past when I’ve wondered what I need to do to make the season meaningful, and if I’ll be prepared for the miracle and grandeur of Christmas. When I recently reread the story of that first Christmas I realized that Mary and Joseph weren’t ready either. Not only was the baby’s room not ready, they were on the road when Jesus decided to be born! No bassinet or midwife – a manger and animals.

God entered their lives just where they were. God enters our lives where we are now, whether or not we think we are ready. Perhaps our preparation is not in physical or spiritual decorations, but to make room to receive what God is giving, and has given, to us. Slow down, remove the clutter for a while, and recognize Immanuel – God with us.

Poetry for Meditation and Reflection

My days are all spent
in decorating my house.
I am forever preparing
for your arrival.
I hunger for your presence
yet I take not the time
to wait for your coming
and to my great sorrow
you never arrive.

It is because I refuse
to be silent
that I cannot hear you.

It is because I refuse
to await you
that you cannot come.

It is because I refuse
to be idle
that I cannot enjoy you.

It is because I am too busy
hanging decorations
that I cannot welcome you home.

Yet in your deep wisdom
your presence leans toward mine.
You understand my decorations
to be symbols of my hunger
and you know of the day
when my heart swept clean
will be the only decoration needed
and I will listen for your coming
like night awaiting day.

-Macrina Wiederkehr

Audio Divina – Holy Listening: Music for Meditation and Reflection

(Click the links below to listen)

“Prepare Him Room

“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

In Audio Divina we partner with music to hear the still, small, voice of God, and to enter into God’s presence. Begin by setting aside some quiet time and space in which to listen to the music several times. As you listen to the song the first time, be aware of words or melodies that catch your attention. Let them settle into you. After a pause, listen to the song a second time, noting any reflections or prayers that emerge. Then spend several minutes sitting in silence, letting God speak to you. Finally, make notes in your journal about what you heard or experienced. There are multiple songs provided, so you can engage in this activity several times throughout the week.

Suggested Activities:

1. Set aside time daily to attend to what is going on around you. On your drive to work, or the grocery store, notice the colors in the passing landscape, the sounds – listening for those underneath the traffic noise, facial expressions and body language on the people you see, the various smells and sensation you encounter. Take a few minutes afterwards to write down what you encountered.

2. Take 10 minutes a day, perhaps at the beginning or end of the day, to simply sit quietly. Slow down. Reflect on the poem above, or a passage of scripture.

3. Create something that will remind you of the coming of Christ, such as a piece of art, or a set of candles that you light nightly.

4. Daily read an Advent devotional. Some resources are:

Daily Devotions

PTS Advent and Lent Devotions

Pictured Above: “Lightness of Being”, Genella Ossi, Creche from Italy

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