Exploring the Intersection of Art, Faith and the Human experience

Celebrating 10 Years of Creating Better Together!

“To enter is to exhale. Convergence is an opportunity to slow down and be
present.”- The Alexandria Times
(Read the full article here…)

For the last ten years, Convergence has been seeking out, nurturing and investing in artists and “creatives” who will attend to what is wrong in our present situation with fresh perspective and lead us to envision a future of hope.

Following their example, we call on everyone to create not just consume; to engage art making as a means of creative and spiritual practice because our souls need to be nourished, imaginations re-awakened and passions flamed for living in the fullness of who God created us to be.

Won’t you help us continue to CREATE BETTER TOGETHER for another 10 years and beyond?

Your Gift Helps Convergence:

1. Provide much needed affordable space to local artists and arts organizations to help make their creative vision reality.
2. Partner with local artists, neighbors, non-profits, businesses, etc. for arts based projects that engage and benefit local communities.
3. Cultivate a supportive community committed to kindling dreams, passion and purpose in one another.
4. Provide opportunities to explore and dialogue at the intersection of art, faith and the human experience.

Visit our Razoo Giving Page to support us on Giving Tuesday

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